December 19, 2008

Track(s) of the Week: From the Top Ten

Five Track from my Top Ten:

High Places - From Stardust to Sentience: Dreamy and ethereal. This track is a perfect depiction of the entire album.

Man Man - Mister Jung Stuffed: From the first "Been locked down way too long" of this opening track through the final "Who are we to love at all" of the album's closing tune ("Whalebones"), Rabbit Habits is the funnest circus-ride of an album that I know.

The Dodos - Red and Purple: I'm amazed when two-man bands are able to produce a sound this full. I know, recording studio hocus pocus and all that... but, still, there's a richness to The Dodos that's unexplained by the effects of layering tracks.

Sleepingdog - The Sun Sinks in the Sea: Hypnotic. Mesmerizing. Polar Life is like forced meditation. The entire album manages to stay consistently entrancing without sounding repetitive.

Gang Gang Dance - First Communion: Saint Dympha made the top ten largely because it's been the backdrop for my writing for several weeks. It's a good album, but it's particularly good for passing the time spent in the excruciating work of wordsmithing.

Enjoy! If you like it, buy it (if possible, buy as directly from the artist as you can - by picking up something at a show, purchasing through their websites, or going through their record labels).

1 comment:

mb said...

good luck in California!