December 16, 2008

Best of '08

Earlier this week, Pitchfork published the results of the aforementioned readers' poll, and although my original picks for best albums of the year didn't fare as well as I would have hoped, it's a good list.

They're going to begin announcing their official Best of '08 lists tomorrow, beginning with honorable mentions, and so I thought I should throw mine out there - less in hope that it will predict their picks (it won't) and more to validate my choices as unintentionally non-hipster (as opposed to decidedly counter-cool).

The problem with lists: In any top five list, the first four are solid and the fifth is a nearly impossible and perpetually shifting position. In top 10 lists, you get a solid four, followed by three or four that could have been number five, and a few more solid choices to round things out.

I'll admit that my picks have changed since I last posted them. But, so what? I can change my mind, can't I?

That said: My 10 Favorite Albums of 2008

1. High Places - S/T
2. Man Man - Rabbit Habits
3. Jay Reatard - Singles '08
4. The Dodos - Visiter
5. The Black Keys - Attack and Release
6. Born Ruffians - Red, Yellow, and Blue
7. Sleepingdog - Polar Life
8. The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely
9. Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs
10. Gang Gang Dance - Saint Dympha

My Top 10 Honorable Mentions (coincidentally, the list that will more likely resemble Pitchfork's top 10)

1. TV on the Radio - Dear Science
2. Cat Power - Jukebox
3. Fleet Foxes - S/T
4. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
5. Ratatat - LP3
6. Juana Molina - Un Dia
7. Deerhunter - Microcastle / Weird Era Cont.
8. Tobacco - Fucked Up Friends
9. Abe Vigoda - Skeleton
10. Department of Eagles - In Ear Park

I'll save further commentary for later this week, but for now, feel free to post your lists here. And keep an eye out for tracks from some of these bands in this Friday's "Track of the Week" post.


Unknown said...

PItchfork will list MGMT, which I get not at all. I vote no dice on the Singles album and on Bon Iver (original in 07!), but you know, I'm a cranky purist. :)

Jeremy said...

Yeah, I don't get the MGMT infuation either. Nor their love of Hercules and Love Affair (which, to me, sound barely good enough to call a cheap imitation of LCD Soundsystem).

The Singles album is essentially a time-released album in full. Matador did an uber-limited run of the singles, but the plan was to release them as a collection from the beginning.

I was at least enough of a purist to resist putting the recent edition in Dylan's bootleg series - a collection of previously unreleased material, none of which was actually recorded in '08 - on the list.

mb said...

most definitely fleet foxes and cat power.

Jeremy said...

Yeah, mb, both of those are excellent. D. and I both really like Fleet Foxes. And one of my all time favorite LP experiences is listening to Jukebox for the first time as D. and I sat in candlelight sipping a very good bourbon.

Phil K. said...

I listen to NPR's All Songs Considered as a podcast. Their show from last week was a look back at a bunch of albums that they liked from 2008 as a prelude for viewer-voted "Best of" (that debuted this week, I think).

Anyhoo...the passion and regard for which they hold for Bon Iver sickens me. I mean, it's good and all, but give me a break. It's not the greatest album in the last 5 years or anything. What a love-fest.

Jeremy said...

Yeah, lots of folks are gaga about Bon Iver. I'll say this: the ways in which it has grown on me have been surprising. I sort of thought, "yeah, sad, sappy, singer-songwriter with a guitar, if I've heard it once..."

But there really is something endearing about the guy, just not in the "best album of the last 5 years" sort of way.