January 26, 2009


Tonight, I was going to continue something I started earlier today in debate with a close friend: a rant I started regarding the "institutionalization" of the arts through the creation of a Secretary of the Arts (or Culture Czar) position in Washington. For those who don't know, Quincy Jones has suggested he'll ask ("beg" even) for a Secretary of the Arts position during his next talk with Obama. In support of Jones, Jaime Austria, a bass player with the New York City Opera, started an online petition (which, at the time of this post, has received well over 207,000 signatures).

Rather than rant, I'll just ask this question:

If the U.S. government appointed a Secretary of the Arts (and let's hope Obama would be as wise in making this appointment as he was in the appointment of, for example, a Nobel Physicist as Energy Secretary), would, at the end of Obama's presidency, the "mash-up" still be the most popular go-to form for artistic expression?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In returning to the subject, I doubt such a cabinet position would have much effect on artistic production...at least not at a popular level. What generally (at least until the last few decades, at least) gets termed art is only a tiny rarefied fraction of cultural production. Underneath all that is today's mash-up, yesterday's dime novel, and everyday's graffitti...I guess the question I might ask is would we recall the mash-up as a valid artistic form twenty years from now in either scenario? (Nevermind if we should...it's all relative anyway)