January 16, 2009

Track of the Week: "You Remind Me of Something" by Bonnie "Prince" Billy

When I lived in Louisville, I was often told I should check out local act Will Oldham aka Palace Brothers aka Bonnie 'Prince' Billie. As usual, when I'm told I should check out any cultural product (be it film, television show, album, artist, etc.), I'm resistant. Oppositional, even. I mean, c'mon, I'm a unique, precious snowflake: irreducible to your simplified assumptions regarding my artistic preferences, tastes, etc. You don't know me, man.

So, I never got around to checking out old Will.

Thanks to a recent New Yorker article, I decided to give him a shot. That's right, my friends don't know me, The New Yorker does.

Everyone who said I'd like Oldham was right.

"You Remind Me of Something"


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