March 17, 2009

Thru You: The YouTube Mash-Up, ReMix, Megajam

Do yourself a favor while you're slacking off at work or procrastinating on that essay, book, project, Spring cleaning, yoga practice, feeding the kids, etc., and check this out.

Titled Thru You: Kutiman mixes YouTube this fascinating project seamlessly mixes together strange little, digital odds and ends into some decent music. Even more, it highlights what's best about collaborative digital environments: together, we can make some cool shit.

As explained by the man himself:


Anonymous said...

Brilliant! The fourth track is unstoppable and "I M New" is chilling. What does a guy have to do to get an award around here? Swade

Jeremy said...

Seriously. But instead, he's more likely to get hit with a copyright infringement lawsuit.